Art as Experience
The Algebraist
The World Beyond Your Head
The Hour Between Dog and Wolf
A Desolation Called Peace
A Memory Called Empire
Understanding Computers and Cognition
The Buried Giant
On the Edge
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Unreasonable Hospitality
The Right It
The Creative Act
The Warmth of Other Suns
American Prometheus
Love, Loss and What We Ate
The Unaccountability Machine
Same As Ever
The Coaching Habit
Clear Thinking
Henry at Work
Computing Taste
Build the Life You Want
Turn the Ship Around
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Holding the Calm
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Conversational Design
Why Startups Fail
The Transcendent Brain
Masters of Doom
Poverty, by America
Getting to Yes
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One Billion Americans
The Crux
Chip War
Beyond Command and Control
Proust and the Squid
The Fractalist
This is How You Lose The Time War
Unwinding Anxiety
What Happened To You
The Mom Test
The Future of Money
Escaping the Build Trap
The Minimalist Entrepreneur
Can't Even
Clear and Simple as the Truth
This Is Your Mind on Plants
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The Burnout Society
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Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain
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Termination Shock
Klara and the Sun
The Sciences of the Artificial
The Extended Mind
Flowers for Algernon
Someone Who Will Love You in All Your Damaged Glory
Skin in the Game
Four Thousand Weeks
Living With Data
Notes from a Young Black Chef
The Secret to Superhuman Strength
The Practice of Groundedness
A Thousand Brains
How to Write One Song
Why Fish Don't Exist
This Is How They Tell Me The World Ends
Mistakes Were Made (but Not by Me)
The Alignment Problem
The Code Breaker
The Innovation Stack
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The Price of Peace
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Think Again
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Calling Bullshit
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Winning Now, Winning Later
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Thinking in Bets
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How to Decide
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What Tech Calls Thinking
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Deep Thinking
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Steve Jobs