
Design is by nature both holistic and ruthlessly simplifying

A theory is by its nature a partial account of reality—a set of blinders through which some aspects of the world are highlighted and others become invisible. Design is by nature both holistic and ruthlessly simplifying. A designed artifact, whether it is a piece of communications software or a city park, must address the complex mixture of human needs, embodied in a weave of physical and social interaction. But the design itself cannot embody all of these complexities if it is to be constructible and understandable. The design must embody a simplification,leaving room for the texture of the world to be filled in by the interpretation and practices of those who use it. (emphasis mine)

– Terry Winograd. 2006. Designing a New Foundation for Design. Communications of the ACM 49, 5 (May 2006), 71–74. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/1125944.1125978

I think about this quote a lot.

Posted Jan 20, 2025

Hello unfiltered World!

I often feel compelled to write, but writing can be it’s own work. Most of the times ideas are half-baked and it takes a lot of effort to whip them into article form. Other times thoughts that are promising don’t get fleshed out and they get lost. As a result, I lose a record of them.

I want to find a way to write them down.

And hence unfiltered, a new section in the site. Fashioned after microblogs 10 years past their prime, named after what a former boss of mine said of me, this is the garden where I get to record ideas or pluck thoughts as they flutter by.

Posts will be quite short, mostly unedited, and a light and easy way for me to publish. The fully fleshed ideas will remain in writing, and everything else will come here.

Here’s to the first post; hello world!

Posted Jan 18, 2025